s h a r k s

Portrait of a silky shark under the setting sun

Night dive with grey reef sharks

Silky shark with sunset at Jardines de la Reina, Cuba

Silky shark with sunset at Jardines de la Reina, Cuba

Silky shark with sunset at Jardines de la Reina, Cuba

Pair of caribbean reef sharks at Jardines de la Reina, Cuba

Scalloped hammerhead. Photo shot at Cocos Island.

Silky shark portrait

Hunting silky sharks at sunset, Jardines de la Reina, Cuba

Silky sharks circling an oceanic manta ray. Photo shot at Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico

Silky shark against the afternoon sun. Photo shot at Revillagigedo islands

Up close and person with a silky shark

Lemon shark smiling for the camera. Bahamas

A 4 meter tiger shark pressing itself against my camera, just to say hi.

A circling lemon shark around us as we make our 3 mins safety stop