British Society of Underwater Photographers Talk
The British Society of Underwater Photographers invited me to give a talk. Time difference was a little challenging, but I was really...

Ocean Geographic POTY Pin
Perhaps I was meant to put on a more solemn face, but couldn’t help it, because it was Michael Aw. Received the Ocean Geographic POTY pin...

Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year - Photo-Journalist Award 2023
In 2012, I wrote an essay and along with 10 underwater photographs, I submitted to the Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year Competition....

Adex 2022
Adex is always a place for reunion

ReefX Conservation Program with Marine Stewards
I was invited by Marine Stewards, a non-profit group to be part of ReefX, a conservation program in collaboration with NParks. While...

Decorator Crab Published on Hakai Magazine
Hakai Magazine is an online magazine that publishes news about coast science and coastal societies. I was delighted when the Canadian...

Nature's Best Award Plaque
The award plaque from Nature's Best has arrived, all the way from Japan. Craftmanship is beautiful!

Nature's Best Photography Asia
This image of a wobbegong shark resting on a table coral is one of my personal favourites. I’m pleased that the image received...

Deep Visions Underwater Photogaphy Awards 2021
These thousand of marbled groupers are not frozen because the photograph was shot at high speed. They are frozen because they are...

Cover on Ocean Geographic
So proud to see my cover image in Kinokuniya bookstore, among the other distinguished magazines